The story of BACI
BACI, Balloon Arts Convention Italy, is an international convention dedicated to training of balloon professionals, started together with Balloon Express in 1992, in Florence.
BACI was initially no more than a simple Balloon Art training course, which was practically unknown in Italy at this time, and also delegates were more limited: it immediately became the benchmark event for the development of the Balloon Artist profession in Italy.
After the first few years the event generated a great deal of interest in the domestic market thanks to our artists' victories in similar international events, BACI has become a fixture throughout the year and an important moment for education, unity and exchange throughout the balloon world, especially with the introduction of team and individual competitions.
BACI is synonymous with Great Balloon Sculptures because the international championship associated with them is surely one of the most important in the Balloon Art scene. The competition, which since 2010 has involved the creation of sculptures following a precise theme, takes place over two full days of work, during which the captains and their teams put in a real feat to create their sculpture designed in the previous months, a balloon sculpture that becomes part of a fascinating and impactful collective design.
Delegates are Balloon Artists of all levels, from all over the world! For this reason and more, Qualatex supports us in the organization and by supplying balloons for classes and competitions!
BACI is a must-attend event for Balloon Express because we all strongly believe in training and sharing experience as foundational elements in every professional's career.